Friday, April 17, 2009

Happy Anniversary

It's been a Year!!!
Holy cow, one year ago today was a very very very hard day for me. It was the day I moved to Oregon from Utah.
I don't think I cried so hard in a very long time....well not since Samantha was born.
I was staying with my parents for about a week before I came up here, and I remember trying to relish each day I was there because I really didn't want to leave. On the last day I was there my parents, Natalie, and I went to The Cheesecake Factory for lunch, and I was really hungry but almost couldn't eat because my stomach was churning because I knew whenever we left would be that much closer to me leaving.
Just thinking about that day makes me sad a little because it makes me wish I could be with my family. It's hard missing dinner every Sunday where we all get to just hang out, and it's hard missing all the family parties, and birthdays, and some holidays, but I guess that's part of growing up and being an adult. But it's a hard part.
When I was walking off the plane in Oregon with Sam and my tear-stained face, some nice (but very flamboyant) gay guy took pity on me and came over to talk to me because I think he felt bad. I must have been a huge mess.
But as hard as it was moving here, a lot of good has come from it. Oregon really is a great place to live and I do really enjoy it, even though I may get sick of the rain sometimes. If we were still in Utah, Dave probably wouldn't have a job because they pretty much closed down his entire department he was previously working at there. And right now he has a good job that he enjoys (for the most part). Plus we've been able to do a lot of fun things up here, and have been able to spend a lot of time with Dave's family, and Samantha has been lucky to still be close to at least one set of Grandparents, and has gotten to know them very well, and loves them a lot!
So Oregon is great, but I love any chance I get to go back and visit my family, which will become harder and harder now that they are all moving as well. So we are all spreading out between Oregon, Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado. But at least it will make those times we do get together, that much more special.
Happy Anniversary to me! I guess I'm a true Oregonian now!

1 comment:

Haley and James said...

That's so cool! How fun to be an Oregonian. I'm glad you've enjoyed it! I remember when I moved to Utah and finally had to get Utah license plates on my jeep. It was a hard day. But though I miss my fam in WA, I'm glad we're here. :) Someday when you visit, we'll hang out!