Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Beautiful Little Lady

The other morning I was dressing Samantha for the day and thought I would put this cute white dress on her that my mom had bought for her. It was really cute, so I decided I should take some pictures of her because she is a year old now and I really should get some pictures taken of her. But since I am a cheapo I didn't want to pay someone to take the pictures for me when I have a very nice camera of my own. So I took her in the backyard by Nancy's pretty flowers and took a couple of pictures of her myslef. I think they turned out really well considering it was a spur of the moment kind of thing. Of course being cute helps, so it wasn't too difficult to get a good shot. So here are a couple of the pictures that I took of her.

This week hasn't been as exciting with Allison gone, but it did cool down a bit at least. Instead of 100 degree plus weather, we've been enjoying high seventies for a couple of days. Also the Oregon State Fair started and on opening night they had Bill Engvall perform, and we really wanted to go but tickets were too expensive so I thought, "hey maybe we should go to Vanessa Hudgens concert tomorrow instead!" yeah!! Fun! :) (But only if she brings Zac Efron) :) not so I think we are going to go sometime next week. Actually on Wednesday they are having Garrison Keillor perform with his Prairie Home Companion group which I would love to see, I guess it just depends on how much tickets are. Either way it will be fun to go and eat a lot of food, and take Samantha to the petting zoo, but not to the goats! I don't like goats.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Oh my goodness! Is that her walking in the above picture? She is growing up so fast!